Corporate Social Responsibility


The company, within the objectives of social and business responsibility, has committed to making donations every quarter, to entities, institutions or associations that collaborate with people who are going through a difficult situation.

This initiative was born from seeing the needs generated by the pandemic in the Costa Rican population most at risk.


In 2020 donations were made to different institutions such as:

Asociación Obras del Espíritu Santo.

Hogar Betania.

Hogar Madre del Redentor.

Centro de Convivencia Redish.

And in 2021, in the first quarter:

Hogar Betania.

Efficient waste management.

Part of the company's commitments is waste management. Therefore, the depletion of the fruits is delivered to small farmers, who use it as food for their animals. With this they benefit economically and the environment.

The company with this project, intends to contribute with more farmers families.

Community level projects.

The company has participated in Tierra con Esencia de Mujer that is a project that seeks to generate diversity in the country's exportable offer and also to generate inclusion. It is a project in the Brunca region where more than 100 women participate and where it seeks to develop the capacities, knowledge and experience in these women so that they can become exporters at some point. The initiative seeks to strengthen women's work in the area on different fronts, increasing the participation of women with new products.

Tierra con Esencia de Mujer is also an initiative that unites in a great way two very important aspects for society such as gender equality and economic development of the regions in order to achieve the well-being of people.